Insolvencies at Four Year High

It was reported this week that company insolvencies are the highest they have been in four years; with Directors voluntarily closing up shop. This is due to a rise in Company Voluntary Liquidations (CVL’s). Trading conditions in the UK remain tough after the couple of years of lockdowns. Not to mention the rising cost of…

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Food Sector on the Brink of Collapse

There were warnings this week that the food sector is on the brink of collapse. The governments Autumn budget really needs to step up. The number of restaurant and food outlets going into liquidation nationally increased by 46% in the quarter to September 2022. Not only are people cutting back on expenses as the cost…

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The Cost of Living Crisis

cost of living

The current cost of living crisis needs no introduction. Everyone is feeling it. You go to the supermarket only to find essential like eggs and milk have soared in prices. Not to mention the dreaded rise in energy bills. Thing look pretty bleak to be honest. We’ve seen a really unfortunate set of circumstances in…

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Beginner’s Guide to Corporate Insolvency

– Business Guide – A beginner’s guide to ‘Corporate Insolvency’ that will make the difference when facing tough business decisions. This book shares the vital knowledge you need to succeed including how to recover debt. AVAILABLE NOW!

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Pros and cons of the moratorium procedure

Under the provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, struggling companies can be placed into a new statutory insolvency procedure. But what are the pros and cons of the moratorium? The moratorium provides up to 40 business days of protection from creditors. This should be ample time to secure additional investment and remodel…

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How should builders and tradesmen collect overdue debts?

According to figures released by the Office of National Statistics, the building and construction industry contracted 1.9% in the third quarter of 2015, which suggests contractors will be tightening their belts this year as the market becomes more competitive. This is particularly bad news for roofers, plumbers and other subcontractors (‘subbies’). Why? Because in a…

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Insolvency & Law nominated for “Insolvency and restructuring firm of the year 2015

Insolvency & Law are proud to announce that we have been shortlisted for the prestigious “Lawyer Monthly Legal Awards 2015” in the “Insolvency and Restructuring Firm of the Year” category. “The Legal Awards” has been recognising achievement and success in the UK legal industry since 2009 and past winners of the prestigious award have…

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