HMRC vs English Football: The Battle Rages On

English football clubs owed more than £22m in overdue tax to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in 2010, according to figures released last week. Premier League clubs owed £8.6m, Championship clubs owed £6.4m and Football League clubs were indebted to HMRC for £7.4m. Dave Boyle, chief executive of campaign group Supporters Direct, believes the figures…

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Premier League and HMRC Court Battle Set for 15 February

Next month, HMRC and the Football Association Premier League will battle in court over the taxman’s claim that the ‘football creditor rule’ is unlawful. Under the football creditor rule, when a club enters administration creditors such as players and managers are paid in full, whilst any remaining money is divided between unsecured creditors including HMRC. Football as…

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Premiership Football is a Rich Man’s Sport

Despite the popularity of football in England and the huge sums the sport generates, several well established clubs are facing liquidation just days before the 2010/2011 season is due to commence.   The reason Portsmouth FC, Cardiff City and Southend United are all on the verge of bankruptcy is simple: these clubs’ expenses exceed their…

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