Restructuring with a CVA or administration

Post lockdown, many directors will restructure their companies using insolvency procedures, most likely administration or a company voluntary arrangement (CVA). The Government recently introduced a moratorium facility, which offers 20 to 40 days of protection from creditors. But a director who opts for this will undoubtedly find themselves considering a CVA or administration once the…

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Insolvency solutions for directors under pressure

Post lockdown, plenty of directors will realise that placing their companies into a statutory insolvency procedure is probably their best restructuring solution. Last month, the Government introduced a moratorium procedure that provides companies with up to 40 days of protection from creditors. This new facility will prove useful to many. However, it doesn’t really matter…

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Pros and cons of the moratorium procedure

Under the provisions of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020, struggling companies can be placed into a new statutory insolvency procedure. But what are the pros and cons of the moratorium? The moratorium provides up to 40 business days of protection from creditors. This should be ample time to secure additional investment and remodel…

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