Mediation compulsory for County Court claims

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) recently announced plans to introduce compulsory mediation sessions for County Court claims valued under £10,000. Under the new proposal, defendants and claimants with small claims under £10,000 must participate in a one-hour telephone mediation. The court will allow 28 days for the phone call to take place after close of…

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The looming insolvency crisis

Back in May, we warned that a wave of company failures would hit UK firms in the latter half of 2022. Just three months later, it appears this insolvency crises may be even grimmer than predicted. This week, reports revealed that corporate insolvencies were up more than 80% in the past quarter compared to 2021.…

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How to avoid the impending debt tsunami

According to the Insolvency Service, there was a 115% increase in corporate insolvencies last month, compared to the same period in April 2021. The increase from 925 registered cases follows the phasing out of the temporary insolvency measures brought in to protect companies from creditor action during the pandemic. The insolvency industry had warned of…

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How to challenge a statutory demand

Company directors, business owners, and individuals can expect to receive more statutory demands in 2022 compared to previous years. Why? Covid-19 has forced many people and companies to give more credit than usual, and making a statutory demand is the first thing they’ll do when attempting to recover overdue debts. A statutory demand is a…

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Congested courts the only option for debt enforcement

While the restricted use of statutory demands and winding-up petitions will provide a lifeline for many struggling companies, the move also forces creditors chasing overdue debts into an already overburdened court system. As it stands, the only remedy to enforce payment of a debt is through a High Court enforcement officer. You may send out…

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Stat demands and winding-up petitions post Covid-19

The Government’s decision to suspend the filing of Statutory Demands and Winding-up Petitions is a huge blow for creditors seeking to collect payment of outstanding debts. As a result of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act, a creditor’s only debt enforcement remedies are through the county court via either a bailiff or a third-party debt…

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Why Didn’t Insolvency Service Prosecute MG Rover’s Phoenix Four?

The former directors of MG Rover Group (MGRG), who pocketed over £40 million as the company spiralled into administration, should have been punished with lengthy disqualifications forcing them into early retirement and out of business management. Instead, Peter Beale, John Towers, Nick Stephenson and John Edwards – known as the ‘Phoenix Four’ – received bans…

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