Insolvencies jump by a staggering 43% in August 2022

Startling new statistics have revealed the number of insolvent companies jumped by a staggering 43% in August 2022. Although high inflation has led consumers to reduce spending, this paints a bleak picture of the future of UK businesses. The government finally acted by freezing energy prices to lessen the blow of the recent hike in…

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The looming insolvency crisis

Back in May, we warned that a wave of company failures would hit UK firms in the latter half of 2022. Just three months later, it appears this insolvency crises may be even grimmer than predicted. This week, reports revealed that corporate insolvencies were up more than 80% in the past quarter compared to 2021.…

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Prepare for the zombie company storm

Directors and business owners should expect to see the beginning of the pandemic fallout during the second half of 2022. Currently, Britain’s economy is operating with a dangerously high number of zombies, insolvent companies that: This miserable and worrisome situation is largely the result of a lethal cocktail of three corresponding events and issues: Ideally,…

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End of temporary insolvency measures

Last week, the Government withdrew the temporary insolvency measures introduced two years earlier to support businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Creditors could obtain winding-up petitions under the temporary legislation (enacted as part of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020). However, the debt threshold for winding-up petitions increased to £10,000 and creditors were compelled to:…

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Laws for winding up orders need more clarity

Entrepreneurial small business owners should be overjoyed with Government plans to increase the debt threshold for winding-up petitions to £10,000. The move is in harmony with new protections and laws designed to support businesses. Temporary measures introduced last year under CIGA 2020 will be replaced from 1 October to 31 March 2022. Subsequently, more debtor-friendly…

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Hardship for 100,000 SME construction firms

Almost 100,000 small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the construction industry faced serious money problems in the first quarter of 2021, a study by business rescue experts Begbies Traynor has revealed. The findings reveal that in the months leading up to 31 March, 96,067 British SME construction firms had either: County court judgments (CCJs) of…

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Insolvency solutions for directors under pressure

Post lockdown, plenty of directors will realise that placing their companies into a statutory insolvency procedure is probably their best restructuring solution. Last month, the Government introduced a moratorium procedure that provides companies with up to 40 days of protection from creditors. This new facility will prove useful to many. However, it doesn’t really matter…

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Why statutory demands and petitions are essential

It can be argued that by restricting the filing of statutory demands and winding up petitions for Covid-19-realted debts, the Government has targeted all industry sectors with a blunt instrument. Covid-19 did not adversely affect every business in Britain. Indeed, many continued to operate throughout the lockdown period, and some of them thrived. We need…

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Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act Explained

In the weeks ahead, the Government will attempt to stimulate Britain’s flagging economy with the introduction of the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act. The Act, which recently came into law, proposes an extensive shake-up of the insolvency regime. But exactly how will these changes affect business owners? Well, that depends if your primary focus is:…

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Zombie companies in danger from Covid-19

In an attempt to limit the economic fallout from Covid-19, the Government is rushing through parliament the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act. The new legislation, which recently came into force, proposes a raft of debtor-friendly measures aimed at curbing company collapses. If we’re to kick-start the economy and stave off recession it’s essential that trade…

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